Search the Cavy Spirit Site (or sites!) For Medical or Other Care-related information, after searching here, please also visit Guinea Lynx and try the search on that site as well! 
| | | | | 1 Cavy Spirit's sites include:
2 Within: Anywhere is the best option, unless you are looking for something specific. Here is what the options mean:  | Anywhere: Anywhere in the site, including all options listed below. |  | Title: Title is the text that appears for the page in the very top bar of your browser, i.e., the page title. |  | Description: Description is a hidden description of the page, which search engines sometimes use when indexing or describing sites. This and other hidden components may be seen by selecting the "View, Source" or "View, Page Source" option on your browser to display the html source code for a given page. |  | Keywords: Like Description, there is a "Meta" tag hidden in the html which contains keywords that the author of the site has determined are relevant to search engines. |  | Body: The term Body has a specific meaning in html. In general, most of the viewable content is within the Body section of a website. Body can be used to omit some web pages from being displayed that may have keywords or text in the description or title that matches, but have no actual matches in the body (or main content) of the page. |  | Alternate Text: This is typically used to define or further describe graphics and photos on sites. This is usually the text that display when you move your mouse over some clickable item. |  | URL: (Uniform Resource Locator). The URL is the actual address of the website or web page. The Cavy Spirit url is: www.cavyspirit.com. A tip when searching for a url with a specific word: If you are looking for all web pages with 'pet store' in them, your search should look like this: *petstore* That will bring up www.guineapigcages.com/petstorecages.com whereas, just searching on petstore (without the asterisks), will not. |  | Target: This is a special meta tag that we are not using on our sites. |
3 Date: Sort by Date: The dates that you see listed in the search results are not necessarily the the date the page was last maintained, it is the date the page was last indexed by this search program. We currently re-index the sites very late every Sunday evening at a minimum.
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