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Adoption Interest Application
(San Francisco Bay Area Adoptions ONLY)
click here for rescues in other areas

Please submit as much information as possible. Feel free to expand on any issue or ask any question in the Comments section at the bottom. We also welcome your feedback and suggestions. This application does not obligate you in any way. We use it as a starting point in the adoption application process.

St, Zip
Work Phone
Home Phone
Cell Phone

I am inquiring for

My child

The primary care giver will be

Son or Daughter
Myself, as parent

Please list family members, or any humans who live in your household, including roommates, students, etc.

First name, Age if child, Primary care giver?
Piggie/s of Interest (opt)
Desire Single or Non-mating Pair?Single
Need pal for existing guinea pig?Yes
If so, I have
(regardless of who is in what cage) 
a Female
a Male (intact)
a Male (neutered)
more than one female
more than one male
a mixed herd
If you currently have a guinea pig/s, please indicate age and sex and describe their care, including diet, frequency of feedings, bedding, etc.
Please list other pets in the household and include as much detail as possible, including how long you've had the pet Type, Age, Sex, Spayed/Neutered, Where kept, How long?
Do you have a vet, if so, who
(name & phone number)?
No Yes No, need a recommendation

If Yes, Is that vet an exotic vet? No Yes Don't know
If Yes, Does that vet see guinea pigs? No Yes Don't know
How much money--per week--are you willing to budget to care for a guinea pig/s?$0 because
$5     $15   $25
$10   $20   $30
Are you willing to take the guinea pig/s to a vet for an annual checkup?Yes
How much money are you willing to spend in a medical emergency for a guinea pig?
Have you purchased a cage yet?not applicable Yes No
     If Yes, is it brand new (not used yet?) Yes
If you have a cage, please describe it, especially dimensions
Anticipated or existing cage location (which room in house or outdoors)
Do you rent or own?Rent Apt          Own       Share Rental
Rent House      
If Rent, is landlord okay with these pets? Yes
Do you anticipate moving soon?No  If yes, when
Have you ever owned guinea pigs before? If yes, please describe history
Please describe prior history of pet ownership. Please include type, age, sex, where you got him/her, why you stopped owning him/her
Have you ever had to surrender an animal to a shelter? If so, please describe the circumstances

Do any members of your family or household have any allergies to animals? If yes, please describe

Please describe why you want a guinea pig as a companion

Do you plan on showing the guinea pig/s?

Yes, we are active in 4H

Would you like to breed the guinea pig/s now or in the future?

Yes, now 
Yes, at some time in the future
It would be nice to have babies sometime in the future 

When you go away on vacations or business trips, you would (please describe plans for care or travel)

Don't know, looking for advice

Please describe level of research you have done to date on guinea pigs (check all that apply)

None yet, just getting started
What I was told at the pet store
What I was told by the breeder
What my friends have told me
Book/s on guinea pig care
Preliminary internet research
Moderate internet research
Extensive internet research

How long have you been thinking about and searching for a guinea pig?

I heard about you from

Additional Info

If the guinea pig is "for your child," does your child have access to the internet for research and posting on forums?

Yes, full internet access
Yes, limited access
No, not allowed on the internet at all
No, not old enough

Any additional comments or questions



Adoption Options

Where to find a Guinea Pig (in order of preference). . . 


Newspaper--private listing in the newspaper (avoid breeders)
Internet--private listing on the internet (avoid breeders)

Breeder, if necessary (if no shelters or rescues or private listings exist in your area--highly unlikely)

Pet Store--avoid at all costs.


For more info on how to find a guinea pig, see www.CavyRescue.com


Pet Store Advice


NEVER listen to or believe ANYTHING ANYONE tells you in a pet store.


ALWAYS get confirmation of any advice before relying on ANY information from a pet store.


NEVER believe the sex of an animal from a pet store without getting expert (vet) confirmation.


NEVER buy products for your animal based on the advice of a pet store owner or employee. Again, ALWAYS get confirmation of any advice before relying on ANY information from a pet store.




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