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 GuineaPig.TV Cavy Spirit Live!
Cavy Spirit Virtual Tour An album of cages & locations in our home, not of piggies.
| Guinea Pig Education, Rescue, and Adoption Since 1999 in San Mateo, California (the San Francisco Bay Area) | Cavy Spirit is a private home which takes in abandoned guinea pigs and places them, healthy and happy, in high quality, permanent homes. We focus on education and public awareness of the proper respect and care that these and all animals deserve. We are committed to breaking the chain of neglect, abuse, and abandonment. | |
|  | Cavy Spirit Piggies of the Wheek! | |
| | Here are just a couple of cuties for adoption through Cavy Spirit! We have a number of great pairs of guinea pigs available right now. See the Adoptables page for more photos and more information about these pigs and more! See the Adopting page for our application.
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|  | Our Sponsors | |
|  | Cavy Spirit Online Store | |
|  | Help Cavy Spirit Continue | |
| Please patronize pet stores that DO NOT sell animals!

 Turn up the volume on your computer. Linked with permission itsmeowornever.org

| |  | Do You Dare . . . To Meet Your Meat? |  | | 
“Once you see for yourself the routine cruelty involved in raising animals for food, you'll understand why millions of compassionate people have decided to leave meat off their plates for good.” –Alec Baldwin Go here to view the video, if you dare . . | |  | |  | Cavy Commercial |  | | Have you seen the real running of the bulls? Very cute. 
Go here to watch the various videos. | |  |

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